What You Don’t Know…

Can Kill You!!




Find out, in this exclusive report, how you can keep your loved ones and yourself as safe as possible during this time of great threat that we all, as members of the human race, face today.


In this report, you’ll discover:


Ø The facts and the myths about the Coronavirus,

Ø What you must do, right now, today, and every day for the rest of your lifeto acquire the best possible protection for you and your family,

Ø The only licensed doctor that can help your body to build a healthy wall of defense,




Don’t put this down until you’ve read it through and through… your life could depend on it!


The corona virus.  Should we be concerned?

Like anything in life yes, we should be concerned.  Like anything in life, we should act responsibly and take appropriate actions.  Acting responsibly involves responding appropriately and not just reacting.  As humans we are wired to react emotionally.  It is however, a little more challenging to respond appropriately.  Responding appropriately requires collecting facts and data.  The data needs to be collected on facts without opinions so we may discern the truth.


Romans 12 verse 2 says, “Do not conform to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is (true)…”


Our reaction comes from the patterns of this world by the dictates of the world, via the news media and the collective social consciousness that is created therefrom.  The renewing of our mind comes from discernment of the facts.


First, the Coronavirus has been around for centuries.  It is basically the common cold.  COVID-19 is a different strain than we have experienced before.  Due to the fact that it is different, it is emotionally important to acknowledge that it is fearful.  We tend to fear that which is unknown.


Here are some facts.  COVID-19 has its origin in Wuhan, China.  Our ability to track the spread of anything is so much better than at any time in history.  As of today’s, writing there are 134,471 confirmed cases worldwide and 4,970 deaths.  Nearly 81,000 cases are in China.  Nearly 3,200 deaths are from China.  The incidence of new cases in China is in decline.  Statistics from the CDC in China found, 2.3% of confirmed cases died. But the fatality rate was 14.8% in people 80 or older, likely reflecting the presence of other diseases, a weaker immune system, or simply worse overall health. By contrast, the fatality rate was 1.3% in 50-somethings, 0.4% in 40-somethings, and 0.2% in people 10 to 39.


What can be discerned from the above?  The elderly in poor health are the ones at risk and need to proceed with caution.  85.2% of the elderly not suffering from other health issues are surviving.  This is the important take away, healthy people, regardless of the age are surviving.


Should we become emotionally plugged into the hype, hysteria, fear, worry and stress?  All of those things have a negative effect on our immune systems and weaken the immune response.  The fact is, not everybody dies.  The fact is many more people survive, even in the very high-risk group of advanced age.


What can be discerned from all this?  The only question one should be asking is, “If I contract COVID-19, how can I be one of the survivors?”


Health is the direction that we need to head towards.  How can one be healthy?  We all know that we should eat right, get plenty of rest, drink appropriate amounts of fresh clean water, get ample amounts of sunshine, exercise and get lots of fresh clean air.  Assuming you do all these things, stress, worry and fear disrupt the benefits of all these good habits.  All of these negative things cause a lot of nerve stress and create ill health in the body.  To understand nerve stress, we need to look at a few other facts.


The body is a self-regulating and self-healing organism that performs in this way due to the constant communication of the brain and all the parts of the body.  If anything disrupts this proper communication, the parts of the body lacking this proper communication will not function appropriately.  The nerve stress as a result of fear and worry decreases the effectiveness of the immune system.  Decrease the effectiveness of the immune system and you become more susceptible to any disease, germ, bacteria, or virus that happens to be present in your environment.


The strength of our immune system is key.  Understand this; we live in a virtual sea of germs, bacteria and viruses.  Every day, minute to minute, second to second, our immune system is under attack.  Most of the time we are totally unaware of this assault, that’s how efficient our immune system is!  Sometimes we experience symptoms.  Sneezing and coughing are ways that our body helps eliminate some of these things.  The immune system increases our temperature when it needs a little help in killing the germs.


In doing battle all the time with these attacks, there can be only one of two outcomes, we either survive or succumb.  As we age, we have gone through the experience of winning these battles millions upon millions of times.  Our bodies are incredibly amazing.  Have faith in this.


Here’s an analogy.  If a big muscled up male is punched in his shoulder, he just brushes it off.  If a frail 80-year man received the same punch, he would crumble.  It is not about the punch, (the germs or viruses), rather it is the strength of the individual, (the immune system.)


You cannot run or hide from these viruses; they are all around.  You can, however, strengthen your immune system.  It is your choice.  Just as your immune system does battle daily, you are confronted with choices daily; build up or tear down your immune system.


Everything you do that compromises the strength and effectiveness of your immune system, brings you one step closer to not being able to survive any potential health threat that you may face in your life.


It is up to you.  Only you can build a strong immune response within your body.  There are two things you need to do.

1.    Stop doing those things that weaken your immune system.


2.    Start doing those things that strengthen your immune system.


It’s as simple as that and only you can do it.


Stress is the single worst culprit to an effective immune system.  Stress can have an immediate negative effect on the immune system that is greater than a life-long habit of smoking packs of cigarettes daily.  Stress is a big killer and like I said earlier, you need to reduce and work to remove nerve stress to increase and have a strong immune response.


Your nervous system controls everything that your body does.  It controls your blood pressure, digestion, breathing – your very ability to relax and feel comfortable.  There are three things that negatively impact the nervous system - physical, chemical and emotional stresses.  


The emotional stresses of worry and fear are currently being shown to be extremely effective in this engineered world-wide study of social mind control.


The best thing you can do immediately to reduce stress in your body is to go to a chiropractor to get a nerve stress analysis.  Chiropractors are the only licensed doctors capable of helping to reduce the negative effects of stress on your nervous system.


Chiropractic has no negative side effects and the relief of stress can be felt immediately.  Not only that, but scientific studies show that regular chiropractic care increases the effectiveness of the immune response.  The testimonials of regular chiropractic patients are astounding – they just don’t get sick like they used to!


Build A Strong Immune System – Go To A Chiropractor!


The second thing you need to do immediately is get good nutrition.  No, I’m not just talking about not eating all the junk foods and eating only organically grown foods.  I’m talking about getting the supplementation that you need on a daily basis and can’t get from even the best of foods.  If you don’t get these nutritional factors, your body will never experience the strongest immune system that is absolutely necessary in today’s world!


Magnesium is a key element for the proper functioning of the body and reduces the negative effects of stress.  


Systemic Enzymes are necessary for every function in the body. 


Redox signaling molecules are necessary for all communication between and within the cell.


Colloidal Silver is an antimicrobial that has been shown to be effective in supporting the immune system when fighting viruses and bacteria.




No one likes being anxious. If you find you are frequently in this state, you may want to try increasing your magnesium. Low magnesium levels have been attributed to an increase in anxiety. According to research, a diet low in magnesium changes the types of bacteria present in the gut and alters anxiety-based behavior.



Systemic Enzymes


Regulate the Immune System
When we think of the immune system, the conversation almost always revolves around a low or decreased immune system.  Certainly, addressing low enzyme levels in the body can improve a weakened immune system.  Many times, patients are experiencing the opposite – a hyper-immune response that the body seems to have difficulty in turning off.  Systemic enzymes restore balance by its ability to both up-regulate and down-regulate the immune response. A balanced and well-functioning immune system ensures protection from viable pathogens while protecting healthy tissues from auto-immune antibodies.  Patients who suffer from pain as part of an auto-immune response may experience relief that other treatments have failed to address.  The proteolytic activity of systemic enzymes may also provide protection against virus proliferation through their ability to neutralize the defense shield of the virus, thereby preventing the virus from attaching to healthy DNA.  Systemic enzymes are non-toxic and without side-effects, making them a great alternative to traditional pain medications.


Redox Signaling Molecules


Redox signaling (also called cell signaling) is vital to strengthening the genetic signal that keeps our cells talking. ASEA’s breakthrough redox signaling technology provides critical connection and communication between cells to ensure optimal renewal and revitalization, supporting the development of new, healthy cells in the body.


Colloidal Silver


As a daily mineral supplement, millions of Americans orally ingest anywhere from a tablespoon to an ounce a day (depending upon age and body weight) of a standard 10 ppm concentration of colloidal silver.

Others use it only when they are sick or feeling particularly run down. People have been known to take as many as one to five ounces a day (or sometimes even more) of a standard 10 ppm concentration, for very short periods of time such as a week or two. Based on tens of thousands of anecdotal accounts, users claim that doing so will generally clear up a mild to moderate infection in only a few days, while more serious infections may take longer.


Good Air Quality 

Another important thing is to get plenty of good fresh air.  Don’t stay cooped up in the house, open your windows, let the fresh air in.  Nature cleanses the air constantly.  If you live in the city or spend a lot of time indoors, you may consider a home purification system.  This is not just a good filtration system but an air purification system.  Find out more at:

It is important that you remain vigilant, calm and purposeful during this time of global uncertainty.  You should know that the COVID-19 is a new strain of the Coronavirus and along with the uncertainty of the strain there are NO KNOWN cures for it.  Anyone suggesting otherwise should be of great concern to you.  This would include any form of drug, food, vitamin, mineral, essential oil, etc.  Obviously, these may be helpful, however, this is a virus and as such it needs to run its course.  The power of our body is absolutely amazing and has been dealing with germs, bacteria and viruses many thousands of years.

All of the above information is true about building the strength of the immune system.  The stronger your immune response, the healthier you are, the better chance you have of surviving any contact you may have with this COVID-19 viral strain.

Remember, your body is self -healing organism.  It heals best when you are well adjusted through chiropractic care, get plenty of rest, sunshine, fresh clean water and air, exercise, take walks outside and at this time wash hands more frequently and be aware of social distancing.  Have faith that your body will do its job and give it the support it so desperately desires.

If you have any questions or we can be of any further help, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Dr. Lou Briegel, DC, PSc.D

Wellness Chiropractic Center                                                           5979 Cumming Hwy.                                                                        Canton, Georgia 30115                                                                              770-479-5592

All the above products are available through our office or we can direct you as to where you can get the best quality at the best prices.